Someday my eyes gon' roll right out my head.
Labels: douchebaggery, indignities of transit, jackassery, things that are bad for the world
Canadian yarn art. It sells itself, people. Now get out there and SELL IT.
Labels: douchebaggery, indignities of transit, jackassery, things that are bad for the world
Labels: booze makes things better, first-world problems, indefensible positions, the horror ... the horror
True Tales of the Office: A Few More Things Either Spoken in My Presence or Emailed to Me Recently By Actual College Graduates For Whom English Is Allegedly Their First Language
"We are no longer resourced to that task."
"As noted in the deliverables grid here are the current timings (these dates will likely be adjusted and pushed out as we have been delayed in landing on the stylesetter designs)."
"I wanted to share some insights I culled from a session I attended at [company X] after work yesterday – where [they] provided their learnings of reaching and connecting with their users and customers as well as the media to influence their story externally. I think it’s good food for thought as we think about how we want to position our [work]."
"From what I recall, that was a call-out from [bigboss] to have a couple people report out on [that matter]. And because you’d been tapped, there’s probably an expectation for you to continue."
"Hello [people], thank you for your partnership and contributions-to-date on [project]. I am appreciative of the guidance and expertise which you have shared with our team. As you know, we recently went down two headcount on my team and therefore, available 'people' resources, which were slated against our {x} strategies, have been impacted forcing me to make some tough decisions."
"I’d itemize an action line around your being pro-active in reaching out to business partners. Otherwise, this document could be interpreted as [reacting] rather than taking ownership and driving."
"[Gleemonex], I’d suggest, in the future, not sending out thoughts like that to everyone here."
Labels: balls in YOUR mouth sir, cubejammin', I'd rather take a beating, Stab stab stab stabbity stab, things that are bad for the world
Labels: balls in YOUR mouth sir, balls o'clock a.m., caffeine - cocaine - what's the diff, cryin' amazacrazy, rando
Labels: cryin' amazacrazy, demoralizing confessions, fuckyeahbeingagrownup, indignities of transit, life 101, surprises in the attic, way too old for this kind of shit anymore
Labels: balls in YOUR mouth sir, balls o'clock a.m., deep thoughts, demoralizing confessions, life 101, PMFSA
Labels: beisbol a been berry berry good to me, booze makes things better, cryin' amazacrazy, cubejammin', fuckyeahtinafey, Lookee what the Internets done brung me today, things that are great
Labels: balls in YOUR mouth sir, balls o'clock a.m., cubejammin', life is beautiful, PMFSA, they ain't takin the TEE-vee, things that are great
Definitely agree, [BigBoss] -- do we know who the right people to tap are within the [divisions] who we can connect with to find out the process so that we can be looped in?
Labels: cubejammin', first-world problems, shit that has got to stop, things that are bad for the world, way too old for this kind of shit anymore
Labels: balls in YOUR mouth sir, beisbol a been berry berry good to me, clean livin, cryin' amazacrazy, deportivo, I really am sort of an asshole sometimes, yes Sensei
Labels: balls in YOUR mouth sir, first-world problems, PMFSA, shit that has got to stop, teabaggin, the horror ... the horror, things that are bad for the world, way too old for this kind of shit anymore