Monday, January 26, 2009

Suck it, Boomers.

There was an article in the NYT yesterday about the "maligned" Baby Boomers – Jesus H. SHATNER do these people love fucking talking about themselves – in which, among other things, they claimed President Barack Hussein Obama as one of them.

No. Hell to the FUCK no.

The man is X.

Demographic birth-year cutoffs, blah blah blah; Obama’s 1961 birth date puts him technically on the cusp between Boomer and X,* which means that depending on his upbringing, his outlook, his experiences, which cultural forces he was shaped by and identifies with, he could go either way. So here’s the thing: Ma Gleemonex, b. 1948, is a Boomer. President Obama, like my cousin, is 12 years older than me; he was a toddler when JFK was assassinated and the Beatles were on Sullivan, and he was never at risk of being drafted into Viet Nam. He’s one of mine, goddammit.

You fucking Boomers, with your bullshit be-ins and LSD and the conviction that you invented sex. You had the Beatles and Kennedy, sure,** but you also gave us Hair and the Who and a shitload of divorce. Woodstock – oh my GOD. Three days of peace, love, and music? More like, three days of mud, pubic lice and Sha Na Na. You guys have been sitting there sucking up all the resources and making us watch Cialis commercials and shitting the Osmonds and George W. Bush and thirtysomething and Paul Fucking Simon all over us for waaay too goddamned long.

Hands off, Boomers. You already got yours.

Obama’s ours.

*Or squarely in it, according to Strauss & Howe; their book 13th Gen: Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? totally rules.

**None of the five of whom, I am compelled to point out, were themselves Boomers, so there.

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Blogger Moms said...

A little throw up came up in my mouth when you mentioned Woodstock.

2:07 PM  
Blogger Harry said...

Glee, you're on notice about the Paul Simon comment...but I am TOTALLY with you that the boomers try to suck up every good thing with their sixtiestopia vacuum.

9:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever noticed how the Boomers love to reminisce about how great the 60s were, until they think that you're not "angry" enough, and then they tell you how hard the 60s were and how you'll never experience that sort of pain and disenfranchisement?

I mean, come on! Either it was Shangri-La, or it wasn't. Make up your minds!

6:16 AM  
Blogger Gleemonex said...

Ex. Act. Ly.

9:35 PM  

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