Monday, December 15, 2008

Who throws a shoe?

You guys, did you actually see that awesome video of that guy winging his shoes at Captain President-pants the other day? That guy was seriously chucking those shoes – he was not fucking around. There was some real, pissed-off velocity behind the flying Al-didases.

But as hilarious as it was – and it WAS hilarious! -- leaving aside for a minute whatever loaded cultural baggage accompanied the gesture (and of course the fact that the shoe-thrower has probably seen sweet daylight for the last time), it was pretty shocking. I mean, it wasn’t lethal or even really dangerous but it was violent, and I had to wonder how the guy was able to do it not once but twice. Il Douche never travels without an ass-army of security, plus where was the Secret Service? I mean, damn. I hate the motherfucker with the fire of a thousand dying suns, but how’d they let anybody get that close with ill intent? Are they just not bothering anymore, since there’s only like 35 days of this insane bullshit left?

The other thing about it is, Boy Georgie himself didn’t seem all that bothered – I don’t think he should’ve run off screaming like a little girl, but there was a serious shortage of give-a-fuck on his part; he reacted like it was some sort of frathouse shenanigans. The whole incident was just bizarre.

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Blogger Twelve said...

Amen to your last paragraph. W. looked like a pro -- this is a man with some practical shoe-dodging experience. Also, his obvious pride at coming up with the "size 10" quip made me feel more haaaaaaaaate than I thought I had left.

10:18 AM  
Blogger Harry said...

It WAS very frat-house, wasn't it? Husband and I were shopping and stopped by to pick up the kiddos from my sister's house and my bro-in-law DRUG us over to his laptop so he could play it like a dozen times b/c we were oblivious to the whole shoe-throwing incident at that time. Very first time I witness it, I say "Why isn't a secret service dude hurling himself in front of the prez? Isn't that their JOB, to act as a human shield, blocking not just bullets, but indeed, footwear, as well?"

11:21 AM  
Blogger Panda!!!! said...

I understand that they're testing the shoe-hurler for drug use. In my opinion, his actions are a testament to lucid thinking.

1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Al-didases! OMG, you win the "read it out loud to the office" post-of-the-day award for today. Best part of my birthday thus far! I didn't get the snow I wanted...but Al-didases!


6:15 AM  
Blogger Gleemonex said...

hee! Thanks, Slugger. ;-)

Twelve: ditto on the fresh haaaate.

Bgirl: ha! (love the past tense of drag -- you and me are from the same place, ain't we?)

Panda: agreed.

12:59 PM  

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