Thursday, February 19, 2009

You named your kid after the fuckin Titanic?

You guys. Internets. People.

At the risk of seeming like ALL I DO ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT is watch the Teevee, I have to ask:

Is East Bound & Down the greatest show ever, or what?

It’s about a washed-up ex-MLB pitcher, Kenny Powers (played by Danny McBride, lately of Pineapple Express), who shuffles back to his hometown to teach phys ed at his old middle school when the good times run out (and bonus points for casting the guy who played Sol, the Jew, on Deadwood, as Kenny’s suburban-dad bro).

I wasn’t even aware of its existence till somehow the magickal Teevee fairies or Mr. Gleemonex caused it to be upon the screen, and y’all! It is fucking HYSTERICAL. I mean, the guy curses more than I do (really. I know, right?), and everything about it is SOFA KING WRONG, from the way he drives down the highway, Jet-Ski in tow, tossing empty beer cans out his truck window (each toss has a slightly different flair to it), to his thoughtless cursing in front of middle-schoolers, to his attitude toward the doofus principal his high-school girlfriend is now engaged to – it just slays me. Y’all, he listens to his own audio-book biography on cassette tape (You’re Fucking Out, I’m Fucking In!) with rapt pleasure and a couple of brews, as he steels himself for a day amongst the youngsters he’s supposed to be teaching. I … can’t explain, but I laughed like a maniac about ten hundred times in the half hour. This is crazy shit and y’all all ought to be watching.

PS: I should clarify: What makes it awesome instead of just mean-spirited is that Kenny is not, at heart, an evil person -- just a crude, self-important egomaniac with delusions of grandeur. There's a real person under the thick buttery crust of total asshole. He's not a douche, in other words -- he's a bastard. Which equals AWESOME.

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Blogger francine said...

I HEARD this was amazing- but it's on HBO or some other premium cable channel that my free preview to has run out on, right?

12:26 PM  
Blogger Gleemonex said...

yeah, HBO ... well, at least someday you can rent it all at once on DVD, right?

3:12 PM  
Blogger Panda!!!! said...

I miss my HBO! I recently got rid of it, when I began paying a mortgage which is nearly 3x what I used to pay in rent. I'm totes in Flight of the Conchords and Big Love withdrawal.

5:06 PM  
Blogger Kingfish said...

endorsed. Caught it by accident. It was good enough to warrant a second look.

5:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How the hell am I missing baseball goodness on HB-frackin'-O? My wife is soaking up all the satellite rays with that Big Love nonsense. Apparently I need to get me some of this East Bound & Down which may be one of the best titles of all time.

R.I.P. Jerry Reed!

4:19 AM  
Blogger Gleemonex said...

Yeah, the song's on constant loop in my head -- not a bad one to have, eh? :-)

8:29 AM  
Blogger Harry said...

So, husband and I are watching this show at my mom-in-law's house and right at the end of the episode with the jet-ski-fun? The part with all the millions of boobies? My son decided to come pay a visit. He is officially scarred for life. See? THIS is why, at home, we only watch tv in the basement family room...we can hear 'em coming and flip channels so our kids don't think their parents are disgusting boobie-watchers.

6:42 AM  
Blogger Gleemonex said...

Oh dude! I can imagine ... "Oh, don't worry, sweetie, mommy and daddy are just ... nature enthusiasts!"

8:13 AM  

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