Monday, November 03, 2008

Commencing countdown, engines on

So for you, my beloveds, I am trying very hard to keep focused on important topics such as People I Just Don’t Have Time For (Madonna, porn “stars” as a concept, the new douchetards who took over what used to be Ebert & Roeper’s show, people who use the word “pap” to denote “paparazzi”), Injustices of the World (King of the Hill cancelled while piles of unfunny bullshittery like Family Guy keep schlepping forward), Things That Are Awesome (the 1976 Lafite Rothschild we drank this weekend, courtesy of friends who know people), and Shit-Stirring (some high-school girl wrote in to the hometown paper about how she’s going to do the Silent Day anti-choice protest with her little friend, so I had to jump in and foul the waters full of people saying what a courageous and wonderful thing that was for her to do).

But this election – my god, Internets. It’s T-minus 36 hours, give or take, before the crushing ball of anxiety in my upper chestal region either lets up for the first time in years, turned to vapor and exhaled on a happy drunken cloud of jubilant celebration, or becomes a charred, stinking thing that slowly chokes the very life out of me. Odds are good for the former – but the latter won’t be off the table till a certain mean old unprincipled asshole makes a certain phone call conceding what’s been apparent for weeks, if not months. I’m worried about shenanigans, and about the people desperate and vile and scary enough to pull them. I’m unable to look at political stories, news about the election, whatever scaly, tentacled bloody horrors the Republicans are inventing even as I blog. I just can’t deal. Tomorrow night cannot come soon enough.


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Blogger Panda!!!! said...

At a conference last week I was in a roomful of people representing various companies discussing how US-based companies should approach doing business in countries that have "oppressive regimes." One gentleman argued that the last eight years in the US has been an oppressive regime so this issue was moot.

12:46 PM  
Blogger Gleemonex said...

Point to the gentleman! Would that it were not true, but alas ...

2:28 PM  
Blogger Jory Dayne said...


(PS the captcha for this comment is "Grallous," and omg yes Blooger, that is EXACTLY how I feel.)

11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, now...Family Guy is pretty funny!

Sorry about Prop 8. Some douchebags are too stupid for their own good (including most of my state that voted red...imbeciles!), but congrats on Prop 4...and I simply can't say enough about how great it is that Obama won. See my blog for more effusive gushing.

6:12 AM  
Blogger Spanish Johnny said...

In these increasingly scary and trying times, I'm glad someone had the courage to stand up and speak the truth: Family Guy does suck.

7:00 AM  

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