Saturday, October 25, 2008

Equality is not a partisan issue, you stupid homophobic assholes.

Internets, what makes me especially sick about the whole Prop 8 campaign -- besides the basic evil, phobic, bigoted bullshittery of it -- is that this is California, and as California goes (on rights issues), so goes the nation. We're supposed to be ahead of the curve, this fucked-up and awesome state, with our huge and incredibly diverse population*, home to all kinds of weirdnesses and extremes, a place where pretty much anything can happen. I mean, you'd expect this kind of shenanigans from the so-called red states,** but we Californians are proud of our openness, our progressiveness, our reputation as the kind of place where anybody can go to reinvent themselves -- or just to live exactly as they please, however that may be. I'm not saying we never do anything stupid, but it's worth a thousand vegan Thanksgivings, pirouetting drunk homeless assholes, and sports teams that name themselves things like the Los Angeles Technically In Anaheim But, You Know, Spiritually Kind of Los-Angeles-Area At Least In The Sense That We're Closer to There Than To Milwaukee Angels to make my home in a state in which people are free to love whomever they want -- and marry whomever they love.

So let's fight for it, people. For Californians and for "Real Americans."

Don't be an asshole. Vote NO on Prop 8.

PS: If you're not a California voter, you can still help us out by donating to the cause. Every dollar counts; as even the pro-bigotry side concedes: "If they keep raising money at this rate and our supporters don't respond, (Prop. 8 opponents) will blow past us in money raised," said Chip White, a spokesman for the Prop. 8 campaign. "They will beat us in paid advertising and beat us on election day."
*Estimated at 36,553,215 for 2007.
**Our gross state product is about $1.812 trillion, the largest in the United States, and we put out 13 percent of the whole country's GDP, which, as of 2006, was larger than all but eight countries in the world. Where you at, red states?

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