Thursday, August 14, 2008

sit down / stand up

Quick question for all the fellas, and all the young people (sometimes referred to on this here fine blog as The Kids Today): If you are riding on a very full bus, and at the last stop before the bus goes express into the city, more people get on, and some have to stand, including five women, one of whom is visibly pregnant (NOT ME!), and one of whom is visibly suffering from a leg/foot injury (there is a brace involved) (also NOT ME), would you stand to offer your seat, or sit on your dead ass, letting the two physically compromised ladies grab a seatback and surf the bus all the way into town?

Yes, there is a Right Answer to that, and no, none of the fellas or young people on the bus today knew it. Nor did any of the able-bodied women, I hasten to add.

For the record: I was one of the uninjured, unpregnant healthy young-ish standees; had I been seated, I’d’ve offered my seat to either of the two women in question OR any man with detectable physical issues, as I am wont to do. Courtesy to your fellow humans should not be limited to one gender, especially in this post-feminist age – the rule is, whoever needs the seat more should get it. So sayeth the mighty Shatner, so say we all.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Methinks this was rhetorical...but you always allow a lady to sit down, pregnant, broken or what not. Guys who don't need a punch in the throat.

I'm just sayin'

9:15 AM  
Blogger Gleemonex said...

~~~reskpek knuckles!~~~

9:32 AM  
Blogger Gleemonex said...


9:33 AM  

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