Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I gotta take it easy or I’m gonna throw a clot.

Two things brought to you by the happy-fun-outrage box lately:

$2.99 gas
Friday night, we were stuck watching live TV because the Yankees game was on and TiVo was recording BSG (an ultimately frustrating episode, because I begrudge every single minute that that lawyer twat is onscreen, especially with only one ep to go, but that’s neither here nor there). And but so it being live TV, I saw a bunch of commercials for the Jeep/Chrysler/Dodge $2.99 gas bullshit, and it just about made my head explode. This is hey-look-over-there! whizzbang gimmickry at its very worst – robbing Peter to pay Paul, fiddling while Rome burns, three-card-monte shell-game shuck-the-rubes-and-send-‘em-home-penniless, wake-up-in-a-bathtub-full-of-ice-minus-a-kidney craptaculosity. Seriously, numbnuts American automakers – instead of using all this famous American ingenuity to figure out how to make a more fuel-efficient car (and/or get in on the Next Big Thing fuelwise, from which you can make your next $100 billion), you’re tryna get me to buy one of your ugly, poorly-made gas-guzzling behemoths by offering me three-dollar gas for a couple of years? Fuck all y’all, right in the ear, and double fuck whichever dumbasses are stupid enough to fall for it.

Comparative moral values
During the A&E Movie Event: The Andromeda Strain, Mr. Gleemonex and I observed that apparently it is perfectly OK to televise in great detail such choice moments as a guy cutting his own head off with a chainsaw, a woman pouring gasoline over herself and lighting herself on fire, and a guy murdering three people with a handgun at close range, then putting the gun under his own chin and pulling the trigger. Fountains of blood, screams, ultraviolence – all thumbs-up from the network censors. On the other hand, the words “shit” and “ass” (among other mildish curses) were bleeped out.

To recap: OK to show horrible homicidal and suicidal violence in prime time. Not OK for a scientist charged with saving the world to mutter “shit” under his breath. Goooood to know.

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Blogger Harry said...

They should be censoring the Dodge commercials.

8:16 AM  
Blogger Gleemonex said...

Seriously, if it's obscenity we're talking about, right?

10:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is hey-look-over-there! whizzbang gimmickry at its very worst – robbing Peter to pay Paul, fiddling while Rome burns, three-card-monte shell-game shuck-the-rubes-and-send-‘em-home-penniless, wake-up-in-a-bathtub-full-of-ice-minus-a-kidney craptaculosity.

I'm saving this for later use of my own. Sorry if you object to plagiarism.

8:24 PM  
Blogger Gleemonex said...

heh! you're welcome. :)

9:14 AM  

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