Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Not having a look is my look

Internets, this is the biggest and best time-suck I've come across in forever (at least since Go Fug Yourself and lolcats): Courtesy of Mr. Gleemonex, I give you Viceland's Do's & Don'ts -- hipster doofuses of all kinds, with brilliant and brief clop-in-the-chops commentary. Word to the wise: Don't bother to read the user comments; they'll make you lose whatever faith you have left in humanity.

One thing I've got going for me these days is, I'll never end up in any Do's & Don'ts feature anywhere, as either a Do or a Don't; people who mainly wear Gap and Banana Republic, with an occasional dash of awesome T-shirts and beloved weird-brand footwear, rarely draw that kind of attention. But back in the day, I put WAAAY more energy into dressing myself. I actually was named "Most Creative Dresser" in my high school (it wasn't really that tough -- I was an even bigger loudmouth attention-hog back then than I am now, so people hardly had a choice); to illustrate my cred and the reason I won this prestigious award, there is a photo in the yearbook of me wearing my kickass red 1960s Louisiana marching band jacket, with tails, all this braided piping and frog button closures, which jacket I bought at a thrift store in Fort Worth and which weighed about twelve pounds.

Of course, you DHS alums might remember who won this award on the boys' side, and I must ask you all: What the hell? Why Mister Smartypants? I'm sure he's a fine fella, but was there a more orthodox clothes-wearer in our entire school? Like, ever? By the way, ten points to any of you who find this picture of which I speak, scan it, and send it to me; I'll post it asap.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

dang - - i have to go home at lunch now and dig this one out...i think i remember who it was - AN?

7:55 AM  
Blogger Harry said...

yep, I remember - and anon is CORRECT!

I always loved that jacket by the way.

8:17 AM  
Blogger Panda!!!! said...

I need to see this photo! BTW, I was voted "best dressed" in high school. That's what Gap and Banana Republic got me!

11:19 AM  
Blogger Gleemonex said...

bgirl, anon -- you are correct. :-) I loved that jacket too, man.

Panda, someday you'll see the photo, even if none of my DHS homies sends it to me in electronic form. Promise!

11:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AN was most creative dresser? What are pink polo shirts creative????

1:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think there is a yearbook photo of him somewhere wearing a sweater vest a la Mr. Rogers...

7:47 AM  

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