Friday, July 10, 2009

These are the people in your neighborhood

Ladies, lemme axe y’all something: Would you, a college-age young lady in apparent gainful employment at a legitimate above-the-board business, whose car sports decals which indicate current student status at a degree-granting institution, be willing to regularly spend overnights at your boyfriend’s house – when it’s not really his house at all, as in, he lives with his parents in a 3BR/1BA bungalow (within spitting distance of the Gleemonex residence), a house in which one of his brothers also lives with HIS frequent overnighter-gf, a house which he could not legitimately rent (or rent a room in) himself because he apparently has neither a job nor any school, training, or apprenticeship commitments at all? If so, would it bug you that his “friends” seem to drop by at all hours in groups of one to three for visits of five to fifteen minutes, the purpose of which brief visits seems to be the exchange of cash for consumable herbal preparations, the gains from which seem to be your boyfriend’s sole means of income? And if you’re OK with all of that, would you get annoyed by the constant amateur-hour koff koff koffing from the backyard when his friends stay for longer than the usual time it takes to transact the exchange of goods for tender and decide to partake of such refreshment together?

Just a hypothetical.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, that is not cool. If it gets really bad I would totally drop the dime on them. Marijuana being a gateway drug you never know what might go down. My folks had a heavy drug user living one house over from them. My mom looked out the window one night to see aforementioned HDU climbing up the ladder onto their roof to hide from the police. They worried he might break into the house to support his habit. He overdosed last year, so it's no longer a worry. Such a waste...

3:27 PM  
Blogger Panda!!!! said...

Maybe she is borrowing her car from someone who actually got an edumacation?

4:18 PM  
Blogger Shelley Malone said...

Dude. I was that young lady, when I was 18. My bet: she'll figure it out and ditch the loser eventually. And have GREAT stories to tell at dinner parties later on in life. Like, "Remember that time I found out that the drug dealer I was dating actually kept a cattle prod under his bed? JUST IN CASE??" Oh my fucking GOD. And good luck to her.

7:55 PM  
Anonymous Apostate said...

You left out a crucial piece of info: is he hawt?

9:39 AM  
Blogger Harry said...

Yeah, sadly, The Looks may be the key element here. I dunno, I hung around with quite a few unsavories in my early 20's, but even at the time, I knew I would eventually outgrow/pity them.

BTW, how do Mom & Dad handle all of the various douchebaggary?

6:05 PM  
Blogger Spanish Johnny said...

Maybe I'm missing something, but fuck if his parents don't sound like the greatest parents of all time. Weed. College chicks sleeping over all the time. Free rent in a bungalow. (A bungalow, for crissake! We don't have many of those back east.) What's their address?

6:57 AM  
Blogger HHL said...

umm, is the correct answer No? Probably should be No. Oh, ok, definitely should be No.

... but thank Shatner that such young ladies do, in fact, exist.

8:03 AM  
Blogger Gleemonex said...

Ha! Love y'all.

Apostate, key question, answer: Nooooo. Decidedly not.

And she doesn't seem to partake of the refreshment -- which substance I myself may or may not have enjoyed once upon a time(s), I am so seriously not judging that part, just the "selling-is-my-only-income" part -- so it's not a freebies-type deal for her ... I just don't get it.

I hope Shelly's right about it -- it's just a phase. We all have Regrettable Entanglements in our past, no?

Spanish Johnny: The mom -- stepmom, actually -- looks like she might swing. I'll email you her digits.

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Mags said...

Why not? A, she's presumably still in college, so this is presumably one relationship of many she'll have, so if he's a nice guy why toss him? B, a lot of people age 20-30 are moving back home because the costs of rent and mortgages have spiralled out of control. C, Some perfectly sensible people put themselves through college by dealing - it's a good income that allows more time to study than some $5/hr service job. D, What can you possibly know about anyone based on their car?

8:00 AM  

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