Wednesday, February 06, 2008


OK, my sister, the former Head Cheerleader, always used to say that I read so much, and am so hard to reach when I'm reading, that if I ever had kids, they wouldn't even know what my face looks like -- just the top of my head over the line of a book.

Well, I'm pretty sure Kid Gleemonex recognizes me, but the point is a fair one -- when I read, I am Not There. I don't hear you, I don't see you, I don't know what the fuck's going on outside whatever I'm reading. Sort of a trance state, or something. Therefore, I've missed my share of subway stops, deli orders, entire conversations and whatnot, but today -- today was a new level in real-world obliviousness.

Kid Gleemonex and I were hanging out in the Cafe at the End of the Universe*, she enjoying her tasty tasty fingers and me my small double nonfat latte. I was reading Gonzo: The Life of Hunter S. Thompson, an xmas gift from the awesome Mr. Gleemonex. Now, keep in mind that this cafe is glass walls on three sides, the sea (just across the street) wasn't especially rough this day, and the music -- an excellent mix of Beatles, Sloan and Jesus and Mary Chain, almost as if I'd programmed it myself -- was just loud enough to hear from an iPod dock behind the counter.

So, imagine my surprise when I gathered book and baby and headed out, only to find about a dozen fire, police and rescue vehicles (lights, sirens), a KRON-TV van, and about a hundred spectators gathered around a fish n chip shop three doors down -- which fish n chip shop some hapless fool had driven an SUV all the way into at considerable speed, smashing the entire front (glass), and causing Shatner knows how much terrible commotion sometime in the past 15 minutes.

A normal person, I'm pretty sure, might've cottoned on to the fact that something was going on outside her own head in this situation.

*Not its real name, but when I open a coffee shop, that's totally what I'm calling it.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been enthralled in a book before, but that's amazing. Fortunately, that eco-terrorist (*ahem* SUV driver) crashed into the fish and chips shop and not the coffee shop.

Although, I think you might have noticed had that happened.

10:37 AM  
Blogger Gleemonex said...

Ha! Got what was comin' to 'im!

Funniest thing is, this same fish n chip place has had the exact same thing happen to it, within the past ten years -- only this SUV got all the way in, whereas it was just the front of a truck last time.

12:42 PM  
Blogger Stink Eye & Tube Steak said...


I forget if I let you know that I memed you, considering your post is in regards to your love of books, this one is short but sweet.


8:17 AM  
Blogger Meanie said...

oh my god, i thought you were going to say that the cops/firefighters were rescuing your kid from a perilous situation! a book couldn't distract you that much, could it?

4:12 PM  
Blogger Gleemonex said...

Meanie, I sure hope not! :-) Actually, I know it couldn't -- I'm so crazy hyper-aware of Kid Gleemonex and even the remotest potential threat, it's really strange, like an awesome new superpower. But this incident didn't directly threaten us, so ... la la la, read read read ... heh.

11:19 AM  

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