Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Rilly Rando Tuesday

Sorry for the lack of posts since Thursday -- were you aware that even a generally Very Obliging Baby can eat an ENTIRE DAY with brain-melting crying every now and then? It's like a wormhole in the space-time continuum -- y'all science bitches should really get on that.

1) Friday Night Lights: OK, Internets. This last week, they pulled it back from the very brink of disaster with the Landry/Tyra thing, but I must regretfully and with MUCH sorrow admit that a show that had been highballing it down Realism Causeway all last season has somehow taken a wrong exit somewhere and now we're on an access road (Melodrama Drive) running parallel to the original route. There's still so much good there, and I do still love the show -- but certain story lines and certain things happening on the field have frayed the ol' varsity letter jacket, you get me? I stand by my original endorsement of Season One as the Best Show On Network Television, but I can no longer say the same about Season Two. Grrrrrrrr. 

2) The cave paintings at Lascaux: They're plagued now with some weird mold or fungus, possibly due to people being in there, but also possibly because of the increased temperature of the caves in the last 20 years, thanks to global warming. Y'all, we're fucking up something that's been just fine for 17,000 years -- humans suck. 

3) Fur: Who would wear it? In this Sunday's New York Times, there were all these full-page ads for furs at upscale stores. So I guess there's a market for that sort of thing, still, but seriously -- PETA hysteria aside -- what's the deal with fur? It made sense back in the day when that was the warmest thing going, but we have Gore-Tex and Polar Fleece and shit now. You buy a full-length fur coat, you're just doing it to show off the fact that you have $20,000 to spend on a heavy-ass piece of outerwear that you can roll up in at about three events in an entire winter. I get annoyed by people who have that kind of fuckin money and no goddamned imagination. All that dough, which you could spend on SO MUCH AWESOME SHIT (like a month on Kauai, a cellarful of Michel-Schlumberger wines or hiring Van Halen to play your birthday party), and you spend it on the stitched-together pelts of dead animals.

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Blogger Panda!!!! said...

Two things about point 3:

When I lived in DC, I went down to the Capitol on that ignoble day that ushered in the current administration and saw the most full-length fur coats ever assembled in one place. I think all the Texans (Sorry Gleemonex, I know it's sort of your heritage) came to DC in preparation for the arctic blast and went on a mink murder spree in preparation.

Also, Peta hates the Olsen twins: http://www.peta2.com/trollsens/?c=p22675

12:58 PM  
Blogger Gleemonex said...

Who doesn't hate the Olsen twins? Let's kill THEM for their shiny pelts!

Also: Texans and/or furs in the audience for the most vicious bummer in American history? I am not in the least surprised. :-(

1:03 PM  
Blogger Harry said...

Yeah, my step-mom lurves the fur coat. Has several. Someone even got her a faux mink apron as a gag gift...she wears it every thanksgiving.

I do not wear fur myself, but I do admire her gaudy Texas attitude sometimes.

11:20 AM  
Blogger Gleemonex said...

Ahh, bgirl -- I should've noted that we here at Damn Kids HQ always make exceptions for people with real Style. :-)

7:22 AM  

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