Monday, January 29, 2007

How is it possible to have your head this far up your own ass?

I read my hometown newspaper online every weekday -- gotta keep up with the Wreck of the Day, the Stupid Jackass Crime of the Week, the Local Political Brouhaha of the Month, and the regular features like the Heartwarming Heartlanders Pulling Your Heartstrings In A Simultaneously Patriotic and Aww-Shucks Way, doncha know.

The Letters to the Editor are among my must-reads, of course -- I occasionally even write one, usually in response to some jacktard's ignorant scribbled nonsense, and most of the time I even use my real name (albeit my married name, because my mother, who still lives in that town and decidedly does not share my political leanings, doesn't need a Molotov through her window).

But sometimes I can't even formulate a response, because the letter in question is such a mind-blowing bizarro-world screed that it foils utterly my capacity for rational, ordered thought. Today's awesomeness, from a Jim Norman of Alvord, is one of those. He's pissed off at Bush and the Repuglican Party -- but get this, it's not about the maladministration's countless crimes against humanity, its bumblings and fumblings and obfuscations and highway fucking robbery of the American people, allowed to rage virtually unchecked for six years -- no, it's for "cowering in fear of the Democratic Party and the media." Oh my. Continues Mr. Norman:
I’m upset that the president and his advisors have utterly failed in challenging the Democratic propaganda and media hypocrisy that America has been subjected to for the past six years. Because the president took a passive stance to the daily garbage, innuendo and outright lies that have been spread about him and his policies, those same lies and distortions have been elevated to the level of truth and fact in the minds of many Americans.

Woweee. Where should I start? I can't. You get me? I ... have no response to this. If you're this willfully ignorant of reality, there's nothing I can do to help you.

There's more, too -- read the whole thing, and then join me in banging your head against the nearest brick wall ...

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Blogger Kingfish said...

I agree with this thought in the last paragraph, "We are a selfish nation and live on the basis of expediency and self-interest. Our elected leaders are merely a reflection of all of us."

Glee, I don't know what you call it, but I call it the mirror of hypocrisy. Last time I checked they have been in charge for quite a while.

Jim is a tormentor of mine as well...there are so many that write LTE's in that drivel called the Messenger. I do not waste my time over there anymore. Unless I here of somebody 'foreign' writing a response. (Wink Wink) To be honest, I am disillusioned enough without their thoughts entering my purview So I take it as humor if I read it because that is all it is worth turning the page for.

12:29 PM  
Blogger TXsharon said...

I started to write a rebuttal but he has been marginalized and is not worth the effort. I bloggged about him on Daily Kos. The comments are funny. Finally! A political party for me: The Kook-O-Crats!

11:18 AM  

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