Wednesday, January 10, 2007

what do you want for dinner/I dunno/what do YOU want

Late to the party, I know — but have you guys seen Everyday Food? We came across it during our recent cocoon weekend up in the Russian River valley, in a rented vacation house with a fireplace and a hot tub that was on a deck hanging out over the valley. Between visits to the hot tub, we flicked on the TV for a bit, and got sucked in by this little nugget of a show … things are gonna change around here.

I cook a lot, partly because I love to (weekends, special occasions) and partly (weekdays) because there’s no other choice (Half-ass-ville, CA, has like 2 pizza places and one pan-Asian that deliver, and that is IT). My long-established weeknight repertoire has needed some new menu items for awhile now, and this show (plus its website, with all the recipes) may be just the ticket.

Last night we did the tortellini with mushroom sauce
, which was pretty good stuff — next time we’ll spice it up some more, maybe toss in some sherry or white wine, but it was a quick & easy weeknight dinner. Rawk.

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